Monday, May 23, 2011

Tell Your Kids a Story....of Your Lifetime!

Dearest followers of wise old family tales.  I'm a believer in being a role model for children, teenagers, co-workers and everyone we come in contact with.

I'm a huge believer in leaving an eternally long Legacy before we die.  As we get older, we get wiser.  In the later years of our lives, we are the wisest, and have so much to offer future generations.

Being a 30 year vet of the Film Biz I especially have a passion for story telling.  Mixing these two passions together, I came up with the idea of doing Biographies on normal people's lives.  Not to sell, but to leave behind for their children.

The children love to hear the "real" stories about Dad.  The grandchildren are compelled to know more about their genetic past.  Everyone is compelled to know more about the history that was in the making during the time, and location, of their grand and great grandparents.

So give of yourself.  Give the gift of a Legacy on YOUR LIFE !

Robert K. Maxfield

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