Nope, sorry, this time it's for real, well sort of. You can't touch it, it's not square or red, and it doesn't have any particular aroma. It just is. Yeah, it just is. Ya gotta just know that it's there.
Wow, this is confusing. What are you saying?
I'm saying.....Let Go and Live! That's right, stop trying to control everything in your life, and start being thankful for everything good that you have right now. Just the littlest Thank You can get you on the track to Letting Go of the dreck in your life and getting into the LIVE part of your life.
There's nothing you can do about the bad stuff. Stop it. Stop rolling it over and over again in your head. This is just a nanosecond of time in the history of time. And it gets worse, because there really is NO time. It's a flook. It's Man Created. There is no time, Man just needed some sort of reference for the past and the future so he created 'Time'. There is No time, so let it go.
Things happen. Things happen with you and without you. Things are going to happen the way they happen. Advice; stop trying to control them and let them happen. And while you're doing that, be thankful for the good things that ARE happening. Believe in the Man. Do it for others, and the others will do it for you.
You'll be amazed at the 'Great Stuff' that can happen when you Let Go and Live!